Holiday Safari Exhibition

March 9
8:00 am - 8:00 pm
Meru Town, Meru County
by Essy@
Holiday Safari Exhibition
February 16, 2020
8:00 am - 8:00 pm

Holiday Safari Exhibition

Meru Town, Meru County
by Essy@


The Holiday Safari Show, the highest profile national exhibition for travel and holiday marketing stakeholders, is here with us again. April 4 to 8 2018! Come see the wide range of awesome travel and holiday experiences possible locally and abroad. You'll meet all tourism service providers gathered under one big roof! Want to know how you can pay for that dream holiday and business trip without breaking a sweat? Or would you want to take advantage of the massive discounts offered by our exhibitors? If so, come on and come early to catch the best offers.
For marketers and service providers, this is your opportunity to meet passionate travel fans and show them what you have for them! Take up the space and put your offers on show!


Meru Town, Meru County
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